Anna Lepšová - publikace

Publikace v knihách, časopisech a ve sbornících z mezinárodních konferencí v angličtině

Lepšová A., Pouska V. (2014): Rare and threatened wood-decaying fungi in the nature protected area around Trojmezná, Plechý, and SMrčina, Bohemia Forest, Czech Republic. Eur. J. Environm. Sci., Prague, 4 (1): 37-46.

Bässler C., Müller J., Svoboda M., Lepšová A., Hahn. C., Holzer H. and Pouska V. (2012): Diversity of wood-decaying fungi under different disturbance regimes: a case study from spruce mountain forests. Biodivers. Conserv. 21: 33-49

Pouska V., Lepš J., Svoboda M. and Lepšová A. (2011): How do log characteristics influence the occurrence of wood fungi in a mountain spruce forest? Fungal Ecology 4: 201–209

Pouska V., Svoboda M. and Lepšová A. (2010): The diversity of wood-decaying fungi in relation to changing site conditions in an old-growth mountain spruce forest, Central Europe. Eur. J. Forest Res. 129:219–231

Lepšová A. (2003): Effects of acidification and chemical restoration measures on ectomycorrhizal system of forest tree species, especially Norway spruce. In: Hruška J. and E. Cienciala (eds.) Long-term acidification and nutrient degradation of forest soils – limiting factors of forestry today. Czech Ministry of Environment, Prague. Pp. 138-149.

Lepšová A., R. Kocourek and P. Cudlín (2002): Ectomycorrhizal fine root system in the air-polluted mountain forest of the Ore Mountains. B. Lomský, J. Materna and H. Pfanz (eds.): SO 2 pollution and forest decline in the Ore Mountains. VÚLHM, Jíloviště – Strnady, Czech Republic. Pp. 223-238.

Lepšová A. (2001): Ectomycorrhizal root system of naturally established Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings from different microhabitats – forest floor and coarse woody debris. Silva Gabreta, 7: 223-234.

Marek J. and A. Lepšová (1999): Armillaria populations and pathology at different forest sites of South Bohemia. Silva Gabreta, 3: 7-16.

Mejstřík V. and A. Lepšová (1993): Applicability of fungi to the monitoring of environmental pollution by heavy metals. In: Markert B. (ed.): Plants as biomomitors. VCH, Weinheim, Germany. Pp. 365-378.

Lepšová A. (1992): Fungal carpophores as bioindicators. In: Boháč (ed.). Proc. VIth Int. Conf. Bioindicatores Deteriorisationis Regionis. Inst. Landscape Ecol. CAS, České Budějovice, pp. 309-313.

Lepšová A. and R. Král (1992): Element concentrations in Norvay spruce needles as indicators of forest decline in Šumava Mts., Czechoslovakia. In: Boháč (ed.). Proc. VIth Int. Conf. Bioindicatores Deteriorisationis Regionis. Inst. Landscape Ecol. CAS, České Budějovice, pp.78-88.

Lepšová A., R. Kocourek and R. Král (1992): Trace element concentrations in Norway spruce fine root biomass. In: Kutschera L. et al. (eds.): Root ecology and its practical application 3.ISRR Symp. Wien, Univ. Bodenkultur, Sept. 1991, pp. 257- 261.

Lepšová A. and M. Oborník (1992): Fine root distribution in Norway spruce forest stands (Picea abies /L./ Karst.) in Šumava Mts. with regard to liming. In: Kutschera L. et al.(eds.): Root ecology and its practical application 3.ISRR Symp. Wien, Univ. Bodenkultur, Sept. 1991, pp. 529-533.

Lepšová A. and L. Huderová (1991): Anion distribution and pH within soil profiles in spruce forest ecosystem after liming. In: Proc. Symp. Forest Decline in Eastern Europe and Bavaria", Nov. 13-15-th, 1990, Schloss Neuburg/Inn,F.R.G., pp. 493-498.

Lepšová A., R. Kocourek and R. Král (1991): Element distribution in spruce forest ecosystem with regard to mycorrhiza. In: Proc. of "Symp. Forest Decline in Eastern Europe and Bavaria" Schloss Neuburg/Inn. F.R.G., Nov.13-15th, 1990, Schloss Neuburg/Inn., F.R.G., pp. 499-502.

Lepšová A. and V. Mejstřík (1989): Trace elements in fruit bodies of fungi under different pollution stress. Agric. Ecosyst. Environm., 28: 305-312.

Lepšová A. and V. Mejstřík (1988): Accumulation of trace elements in the fruiting bodies of macrofungi in the Krušné hory Mountains, Czechoslovakia. Sci. Tot. Environm. 76: 117-128.

Lepšová A. and. R. Král (1988): Lead and cadmium in fruiting bodies of macrofungi in the vicinity of a lead smelter. Sci. Tot. Environm., 76: 129-138.


Nástěnková sdělení a abstrakty z konferencí

Škrdla P. and A. Lepšová (1999): Hodnocení zdravotního stavu dubů na hrázích rybníků Chlumecké a Vrbenské soustavy. In: Jankovský L., R. Krejčíř a V. Antonín (eds.) Houby a les. Sborn. Ref. Konf. 3. – 5. června 1999, Brno, p 231.


Koláčková M. and A. Lepšová (1999): Enzymy ligninolytického enzymatického systému u dřevokazných a ektomykorhizních hub /Enzymes of ligninolytic enzymatic system of wood-decomposing and ectomycorrhizal fungi/. In: Jankovský L., R. Krejčíř a V. Antonín (eds.) Houby a les. Sborn. Ref. Konf. 3. – 5. června 1999, Brno, p. 241.


Uhliarová Š. and A. Lepšová (1999): Mykorhizní houby a ektomykorhizní typy na rašeliništích v Krušných horách – vliv imisního zatížení /Ectomycorrhizal fungi and morphotypes on peat bogs in Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic, - the effect of air pollution stress/. In: Jankovský L., R. Krejčíř a V. Antonín (eds.) Houby a les. Sborn. Ref. Konf. 3. – 5. června 1999, Brno, p. 227.


Lepšová A. and J. Marek (1997): Druhy rodu Armillaria v lesních porostech jižních Čech./Armillaria species in forests of South Bohemia/. In: Hlaváč P., L. Reinprecht and J. Gáper (eds.): Drevoznehodnocujúce huby 97. TU vo Zvolene, Slovakia. p. 163-165.


Lepšová A. (1994): Seasonal pattern in element concentrations of Russula ochroleuca carpophores - in limed and unlimed spruce forest. Abstr. 7th Intern.Congr. Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division. July 3-8 1994, Prague.Czechoslovac Soc. Microbiol, p. 387.


Lepšová A., R. Kocourek and R. Král (1991): Ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Norway spruce forest stands of Šumava Mts., Czechoslovakia. Abstr. 3rd European Conf. Mycorrhizas.19-23 August 1991, Sheffield, p.158.

Lepšová A. (1990): Ectomycorrhizal fungi of Norway spruce forest stands, Šumava Mts., Czechoslovakia. In: Abstr. "4th Int. Mycol. Congr." Regensburg,F.R.G., 28th August-3rd September, 1990. Regensburg, 1990, p. 134/3.

Lepšová A. and R. Král (1990): Element composition of basidiomycete carpophores from Norway spruce forest stands, Šumava Mts., Czechoslovakia. In: Abstr. "4th Int. Mycol. Congr." Regensburg, F.R.G., 28th August-3rd September 1990. Regensburg, 1990, p. 134/4.

Lepšová A. and P. Cudlín (1988): Occurence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Norway spruce forest stands of Šumava, Krkonoše and Krušné hory Mts. under different pollution stress. Abstr. 5th Intern.Conf. „Bioindicatores Deteriorisationis Regionis“, May 23-27, 1988, České Budějovice. České Budějovice, p. 57.

Lepšová A. and P. Cudlín (1988): Ectomycorrhizal fungi in Norway spruce forest stands of Šumava, Krkonoše and Krušné hory Mts. under different pollution stress. Abstr. 2nd Europ.Symp. Mycor. Aug. 14-20 1988, Praha. České Budějovice, p. 63-64.

Lepšová A. and V. Mejstřík (1988): Accumulation of trace elements in the fruiting bodies of fungi (Basidiomycetes) in two areas under different pollution stress. Abstr. 2nd Europ.Symp. Mycor., Aug. 14-20 1988, Praha. České Budìěovice, p.64.

Lepšová A. and V. Mejstřík (1982): Metal contents in fruitbodies of fungi. Abstr. Čes. Mykol. 37:127-128.

Šteklová A. (1978): The weight production of fruitbodies of higher fungi in the State Nature Reserve Božídarské rašeliniště in the Krušné hory Mts. Abstr. 1.mykol.Konf., Čes. Mykol.: 32: 109





Další publikace

Lepšová A., L. Zíbarová L. (2012) : Houby 2013. Kalendář, vydaly: Levné knhy, a.s.

Lepšová A., L. Zíbarová L. (2011) : Houby 2012. Kalendář, vydaly: Levné knhy, a.s.

Lepšová A. (2005): Houby jako elixír života. Víkend Publisher, Czech Republic. 85 pp.


Lepšová A. (2001): Zázračná houba? Hlíva ústřičná. /A miraculous mushroom? Oyster mushroom/. Víkend Publisher, Czech Republic. 63 pp.


Lepšová A. (1988): Význam studia plodnic makromycetů pro biomonitorování změn v lesním ekosystému. – (MS. Kand. Dis. Práce, Depon. Knih, kat. bot. PřF UK, Praha. 152 pp.).


Lepšová A. (1982): Těžké kovy a houby /Heavy metals and fungi/, Mykol. Listy, Praha, 7:15-18.